More Information

  • Enter one or more search words that the index term you are looking for contains. Entering more words narrows the results.
  • An implied wildcard will be appended to each word.
  • If the word ends in an asterisk ("*"), the implied wild card will not apply.
  • You may indicate a leading wildcard character by prepending a "%" to the word.
  • To limit search results to terms beginning with first word of query string, prepend a "^" at the beginning of the string.
  • You may indicate a leading wildcard character by prepending a "%" to the word.
  • Click on a term to have its expanded information and related terms displayed in the "Term Relationships" box.
  • Clicking on a term in the "Term Relationships" box will replace the data within that box with data for the clicked term.
  • Invalid terms appear in red italicized font.